Thursday, May 2, 2013

One Final Blog

Well...this will be my final post on this blog. Sorry my insights haven't exactly been the most exciting! I wanna say thanks to Peter for a great year, I learned a lot and had a great time. Can't wait for next semester! Hope everyone has a great summer. Adios!

-Nate Dawg

How Lazy Can We Get?

Have you ever thought, "my mouse is just too darn far away from my keyboard! I wish I didn't have to reach all the stink in' way over to the other side of my desk to reach it!" If you have thought this, you are beyond lazy, and this ridiculous invention is perfect for you. Someone went along and invented the "Combimouse" which mixes the mouse and keyboard together and splits the keyboard in two. Look at this ridiculous thing:

Waste of time and money? I think so. I've seen a lot of ridiculous inventions in my life, but I do believe this one is one of the most pointless.

Link here.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Another Website Creation

As a final project for Doug's FA332 class, we were required to create a website. I decided to create a fake electronics company known as "Bapple." I'm not sure how good of an idea it is to show this website to Peter, and hopefully he won't dock me down for making fun of Apple products. Anyway, here is the link:


The Curly Phone

I don't understand why humanity is always trying to make things that are completely pointless. Spending money on research for something that doesn't matter. Here is one example...a phone the curls when you have an incoming call. Yup, that's right. Some people with too much time and money at Queen's University have invented a prototype phone that curls up a little bit to indicate an incoming call. It has other notification features as well, such as bending corners to indicate a message.
You could have the phone vibrate or ring to let you know. I guess it's just a matter of opinion?

Link to article here.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Website it is. The incredibly unawesome website that I created for the "Insta-Fridge," an automatic instant refrigerator. I really wish this was a real thing...oh well, I suppose I'll live. Here ya go:

NOTE: This is the first time I have ever even came close to attempting to create a website. Ever. So don't judge too harshly, eh?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Super Toilet

I have talked about a lot of crazy inventions on this blog...but I think this one takes the cake. A super-ultra-mega fancy expensive toilet has been created by Kholer. This thing has it all...Bluetooth compatibility to play your favorite songs, an SD card slot for prerecorded messages or songs, a fancy LED lighting system with 7 different colors, battery power that is good for around 100 flushes, and a USB port for when the toilet needs an update (who new toilets could need updates?). This is absolutely ridiculous. No one needs this toilet. Not now, not ever. This is invention is stupid, and people need to learn to simply do their business and get out. It does't need to be this complicated! Here is a picture of the $6500 porcelain throne:

And a link to the article here. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A New Drumset...That You Can Wear?

Yep, that's right. Someone has gone and came up with idea of a wearable vest that, when smacked in the correct place, will make a prerecorded sound similar to that of part of a drum set. Once the person wearing the vest figures our where all the right places to hit are, they can make some awesome beats just by smacking themselves in the chest. Pretty cool right? While I do find this little invention pretty useless, I do see it as pretty cool. I am one of those obnoxious people that everyone hates because I am constantly slapping and hitting tables and walls in an attempt to make a beat. Maybe if I had one of these, I could plug some headphones in (which I am unsure if that is actually available for this musical vest, and if it is added later I want my cut of the profits) and make a beat all to myself without bothering anyone else. I kind of like the idea.

Article can be found by clicking this part of the sentence that is a different color than the rest. This one. Right here.